2015. január 21., szerda


What's the difference?
When you smoke and you don't, when you speak or you don't; when you love and when you don't. Once, you are that smoker, silent introvert, and the other day you prefer air, telling stories and loving the shit out of people.
What's the difference?

I suppose it's all in your head. The fallacy of relying upon people's opinion is the most treacherous deceptions you could face. You stretch your arms and legs, your mind and everything, hoping that you could reach the treasure, the pot of gold or call it as you like. You try; and you fail. Because they will say you can't. You won't. You aren't able to. You ridicule yourself. Your talents are being wasted. Your years are being wasted. You clinch a lot but hold little. You act like you do a lot but you do little.

Yeah, people feed on your uncertainty. You long forgot that they judge because they are unsure about themselves. Why would you remember this most simple yet very hideous fallacy? Why, if, it questions the sole purpose of your existence?

It's a war on your existence, remember that. It's an everlasting battle. A clash which assumes from the very beginning that you'd endure for long but eventually meet your expected and pitiful demise. The kind of battle that is destinned from its origo to fail.

It's a massacre. It's a massacre because you dive into it, telling yourself that there is a challenge lurking below the amassing sea of opinions. The waves of fallacy, again. The battle can't be won, but you can't recognize your direction; you keep on fighting as the waves hit you. You actually hit back, you hit strong and some waves fall; but it's an infinite ocean you are facing, the type Solaris depicted. A thinking, wise and almighty ocean.

Ridiculously enough, nobody asked you to fight. Nobody demanded you to initiate what is a predestinned but procstrinated death of your very character. Nope. There is option B. The option that you could actually stay on the land. That, even if the ocean has the real power, the land keeps you high. And dry. Sure, it's always nice to swim a little in this ocean. But to fight it? Who the fuck told you to do that? Who suggested you this idiocy?

Yeah, the ocean lured you in. You sorry, little person.

I'm now in shallow water, guys. Laying in the sand, on my face. It's like fighting a war against the ocean of opinions, but ridiculing myself for not even trying hard enough to accept a challenge. But it's fine. From my perspective, I'm fighting the same battle I've just explained.

But now both the ocean and the land laugh at me.

2015. január 6., kedd

Black and White

People are bored of black and white things. They want shit to be colorful. They want shit to be complicated. Well, here is the thing: people, you are all wrong.
Look, I understand your need for complicated things.  You always want something chiselled, that is your very nature; and that is cool for me. But don't you dare to make me follow you, don't you dare to make me adopt your wicked creed.
I could go to lengthy explanations and make you see what I mean, but instead of bathing in the shallow waters of the black and white philosophy, I present you an example that is simple yet amusing.

Skin. White skin used to represent the aristocracy a couple of decades before. Fair skin is not cool these days anymore: women (and even men) roast themselves until they resemble a gigantic, walking orange. Fair skin is the sign of malnourishment, lack of iron in our blood or just simply lack of sunshine. It stopped being cool.
Clothing. Black clothes are widely considered to be depressing if combined. Folks will think you are either in your teenages and follow some obscure death metal group/ sect or just simply lack the basic need for wearing feasible clothes. It was -let's admit- never cool.

And yet here you stand.
Ivory skin and ebony clothes. The perfect combination. Not a malnourished death metal fanatic, nor a tasteless night receptionist.
The dazzling beauty of two of the simplest colors.

Take the colorful shit, people! Complicate your things. Raise your standards to skies. Make it impossible for anyone to reach. Create an ideal image of your preference that is unavailable here on Earth and even god himself would laugh at the mere idea of it.
Go on, people. Raise demands and expectations. Dream of the colors. Dream that you find the bottom of the rainbow. That you find the pot of gold.

I am completely cool with black and white.

Yeah. I am completely complete with black and white.