2015. február 18., szerda

Bang and blame

My poor baby!

If you could see yourself now. If you could see yourself now, baby, as the tides turn!
But you don't, because you are too much used to be so in control.
You don't see so I have to tell you, roll over me, let me go, it's an old story, even the words we had have grown old. We have grown old. It's not my thing, so let it go.

I wish you could see yourself now. The tables have turned, your hinges held the world while it swung, while it was in motion. The screws have loosened up, and now the world has fallen out of your grasp. I wish you could see yourself now! I could even turn the screw back, as it's almost painful to watch you turn the inside out. But I won't do it. It's not my thing.

Yeah, you have a little worry, I know it all too well. Who dares to cross your threshold? Who risks trespassing your territory? Each kiss that happens to be on your way, tell me, what would you do with it? Another screw to drop to join the other hundreds.

You know that's not my thing.

All the screws from your hinges, you used it for constructing a wicked totem of a god from the past. A god that you adore, a god you will never get rid of. A god that kisses you, tugs you and rubs you, even jumps on you... it beats you and it hits you. Your god! Your love. Your only love.

So let it go! So let me go. Adore your god and get rid of your hinges, the shackles that used to be your enthralling gems once. Your world doesn't revolve around anything but yourself and your love from now on.

And that's the past; so let it go.

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