2011. november 15., kedd

Final cut- literally

This post deserves to be written in english. Most probably cause its something that may shock people outside of Hungary, but locals arent suprised anymore...

So a brief intro: our government is currently overachieving compared to the previous one in terms of ridiculousity and insanity as well. Many unbelievable things are happening, but now I just want to pick out one.

Related to movies, so the spanish guy should pay some attention.

We have this guy, Andy Vajna, famous Hollywood (hungarian) producer. This man was offered a job in the new government, sort of supervisor of all hungarian movies, you know, the guy who normally judges which movie should get more, and which should get less support from the gov.

Now apparently his authority expands according to the news: the right to make the final cut (finishing touches of the editing) in all gov. funded movies belongs to him& his comittee. Lovely. So basically what one single man doesnt like that much, can be flushed down the toilet.

Note that this works perfectly fine in the US but there almost all movies are financed by wealthy individuals, not the government!

Directors already complain about the planned lawsuit, saying that this would completely take away the meaning, the message of their movies. Agreed! And this whole governmental supervising of movies reminds me our history before the system change (1990), when we had a rule (the "3T" principle, impossible to translate, "banned","tolerated", "supported") for all kinds of artistic product. Bringing back those days doesnt look like a good idea.

So what can come next? Ah, just reading a short article about taxing the dog owners for each dog they own. "I dont wanna live in this country anymore"

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