2012. október 26., péntek


I got a song.

A song, composed, written, and played after something that is definetely beyond words.

I always wished I could play an instrument so well that I can express my emotions. Well, I'd stick with the pen. Unlike my last guest from couchsurfing.

There is that weird feeling when you meet somebody for the first time, it happens rarely, but it does happen, so you just meet and there is something special in the air, in the eyes' contact (or just we imagine it); either ways, we were both on the same wave in that very moment.

The last evening was spent by listening to our countries' traditional music (see my examples here or here), drinking beer and weaving sweet and impossible dreams regarding... anything. As the night was gone I got a promise, which is now the reason of this post: a song about these days.

Words appear to be insufficient to describe what this song tells:

(You gotta download it, no virus but there was no other way to upload... )

There is nothing more pleasing for a troubled soul to be soothed and comforted by somebody who understands without asking. A person who, if you look into her eyes you just find deep and honest kindness and limitless understanding. An endless warehouse for every bad feeling you have, every doubt and every  misfit you've done before. A place where, no matter how short the time is, you can withdraw to.

Soothing days, they were. However the magic, before it could arrive, was gone.

Love as such remains a toy of those who cannot handle it.

And amongst these people it looks like I'm in a promoted position...

Ps. God dammit I HATE writing in such an unequivocal way! Words should be all equivocal, understood in several ways... sorry for this post. Probably it was too much comprehensible. The only thing worths of posting is the song. Rape the replay button.

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